CV upload

Please email a copy of your CV in either .doc or .pdf format: Email us here

Cv best practice checklist

  • Highlight achievements over responsibilities; anyone who has held the same roles as you could list the same responsibilities as you, but only you have achieved what you have and a future employer will look for evidence of your achievements not your responsibilities.
  • Give tangible evidence; for example deal histories, claims avoided with names of customers and values of deals.
  • Bullet point format is best; avoid long paragraphs.
  • How long is ideal? Answer: long enough to represent you properly. Without being prescriptive, most cvs are 3-4 pages long for a senior candidate and 1-2 pages for a junior candidate.
  • Personal statements, if included, should be punchy sentences which capture some of your best attributes and your aspirations. Avoid long lists of generic competencies like “negotiation, relationship management, dispute resolution”, which don’t sufficiently distinguish you from anyone.

These are some general guidelines. For specific advice on your cv you can email it to us

For advice on interview technique and coaching, please contact us.